John Henrik Clark: an other version of History

Publié le 20 novembre 2010 |
Dans histoire
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Dans histoire

Culture(s) : Afrique du Sud , Angola , Antilles néerlandaises , Bahamas , Barbade , Bénin , Botswana , Burkina Faso , Burundi , Cameroun , Cap-Vert , Centrafrique , Congo , Congo (RDC) , Côte-d'Ivoire , Cuba , Djibouti , DOM TOM , Dominique , Erythrée , Ethiopie , Gabon , Gambie , Ghana , Grenade , Guinée , Guinée Bissau , Guinée Equiatoriale , Haïti , Jamaïque , Kenya , Lesotho , Libéria , Madagascar , Malawi , Mali , Mauritanie , Mozambique , Namibie , Niger , Nigeria , Ouganda , Porto Rico , République Dominicaine , Rwanda
This video chronicles the life and times of the noted African-American historian, scholar and Pan-African activist John Henrik Clarke (1915-1998). Both a biography of Clarke himself and an overview of 5,000 years of African history, the film offers a provocative look at the past through the eyes of a leading proponent of an Afrocentric view of history. From ancient Egypt and Africa’s other great empires, Clarke moves through Mediterranean borrowings, the Atlantic slave trade, European colonization, the development of the Pan-African movement, and present-day African-American history.